The Ultimate Advanced Laravel Pro course (incl Vuejs)

The Ultimate Advanced Laravel Pro course (incl Vuejs), Learn the advanced concepts of the laravel and vuejs frameworks, and also build and deploy a complete real world project
- Created by Kati Frantz
- English [Auto-generated]
Have you been looking for an advanced laravel course ?
Have you been searching for a course that will teach you the advanced core features of the LARAVEL framework?
Have you wondered how to build and deploy a REAL WORLD APPLICATION ?
Have you searched for a tutorial to learn the advanced concepts of LARAVEL and VUEJS ? the best PHP framework and the best FRONTEND JAVASCRIPT FRAMEWORK ?
Well, I've got good news for you. Search no more.
The LAST LARAVEL COURSE you will ever need. This course covers advanced features of the laravel framework, with a deep dive into the source code of the framework, explanation of the core concepts and design patterns in the framework itself.
Some of the advanced features covered in this course in full detail are:
Implicit and explicit Route model binding
Feature and unit testing
Advanced test driven development techniques
Laravel Queue system
Deployment of Laravel projects
Advanced database queries
Deep dive into Redis database management and usage
Testing Redis database
Extending and customizing Laravel
Advanced features of laravel collections
Extending laravel blade engine
Custom exception handling in laravel applications
Custom middleware files and groups
Email verification systems
And so much more !!!
We would also learn how to build laravel applications with a vuejs frontend, and some of the features and concepts we would cover in Vuejs are :
Advanced understanding and usage of the vue instance
Declarative and conditional rendering
Vue parent and child components communication
Event buses and event handlers
Exception handling and asynchronous vuejs
Sweet alert integration
Class and style bindings
Data driven DOM manipulation and updates
JavaScript core data manipulation techniques
Communication and state management with Laravel backend
And so so so much more !!!
My name is Kati Frantz, and I am the creator of the best and highest rated Laravel course here on udemy for complete beginners, and I am famously known for my complete project based approach of teaching.
We would be building a complete SAAS application from scratch to deployment. This application would be a clone to the popular Laracasts site, and as time goes on , we would continue to extend and add new features to this application.
So come along with me on this journey to becoming a professional Laravel developer, building world class applications. Thank you so much, and see you in the course.
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