Spring Framework Master Class - Learn Spring the Modern Way!

Udemy - Spring Framework Master Class - Learn Spring the Modern Way!, Learn the magic of Spring Framework in 100 Steps with Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, Spring AOP, Hibernate, JUnit & Mockito
BESTSELLER, 4.3 (12,350 ratings), Created by in28Minutes Official, English [Auto-generated], French [Auto-generated], 8 more
What you'll learn
- You will Learn Spring Framework the MODERN WAY - The way Real Projects use it!
- You will Become a COMPLETE Spring Developer - With the ability to write Great Unit Tests
- You will Acquire ALL the SKILLS to demonstrate an EXPERTISE with Spring Framework in Your Job Interviews
- You will learn the BASICS of Spring - Dependency Injection, IOC Container, Application Context and Bean Factory
- You will Become the GO TO GUY for Fixing Spring Framework problems in Your Project
- You will GO FROM a Total Beginner to an EXPERIENCED Spring Developer
- You will understand how to use Spring Annotations - @Autowired, @Component, @Service, @Repository, @Configuration, @Primary....
- You will understand Spring MVC in depth - DispatcherServlet , Model, Controllers and ViewResolver
- You will use a variety of Spring Boot Starters - Spring Boot Starter Web, Starter Data Jpa, Starter Test
- You will learn the basics of Spring Boot, Spring AOP, Spring JDBC and JPA
- You will learn the basics of Eclipse, Maven, JUnit and Mockito
- You will develop a basic Web application step by step using JSP Servlets and Spring MVC
- You will learn to write unit tests with XML, Java Application Contexts and Mockito
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