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The Absolute Beginners Guide to Cyber Security and Hacking

Free Coupon Discount - The Absolute Beginners Guide to Cyber Security and Hacking, 2020 Launch! Become a Cyber Security Specialist, Build technical capability in ethical hacking &web application security

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  • 3.6 (49 ratings)
  • Created by Sai Acuity Institute of Learning Pvt Ltd Enabling Learning Through Insight!
  •  English

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Have you ever wondered exactly how hackers 'hack'? Do words like firewalls, encryption, bio-metrics and malware sound confusing to you? Have you been looking for a course that teaches you all the basics of both information and cyber security in a fun relaxed manner? If so then you are going to find this course absolutely perfect for you.

This is a course that is perfect as an introductory one for individuals and students who are interested in becoming cyber security or information security professionals. It is also ideal for students who just want to have a well rounded knowledge about the basic concepts used in the world of information security.

Actual Feedback from Enrolled Participants:

Perfect Beginning for a new learner - Sairam Chaganti

The resource links shared are very useful - Mohammed M. Goni


This course is intended primarily for students who have little to no prior background or knowledge about the field of cyber security.

Course Curriculum

In the very first section, we will cover the basic terminologies used and discuss topics like the trinity of IT security and computer protocols.

Section 1:

You will learn the background of Cybersecurity & Hacking. You will learn what is cyber-security and the growing demand

for professionals. You will have clarity on what is a basic network, cia triad,essential terminologies used etc. You will go through an introduction to kali linux operating system in this section

Section 2:

You will gain insights on what is cyber security, what are the components, why you should choose this as a career. You will understand that cyber security is about protecting systems, networks, programs, data and money.

Section 3:

You will have an increased awareness of hacking as a profession, they will go through data breaches occurring in Yahoo, Equifax, Target stores, Sony's play station network etc. You can understand how hacking can be as a profession, types of hackers, what is information risk management regime, companies with data breaches.

Section 4:

You will go through an introduction of what a security operations center is, what are the branches within cyber security

and the various job roles available within cyber security

Section 5:

You will understand network concepts, network topologies and layered communication in this course

Section 6:

We start off where we left, in the previous section 5 we dealt with the fundamental concepts such as Basic Network, CIA Triad, Network concepts, Security Operations Center and Job Roles. Section 6 starts with a refresher on network concepts, topologies etc and connects you to the previous section.

Section 7&8:

These two sections give a good insight on the OSI Model and all the Layers:

a)Physical layer b)Data link layer c)Network layer d)Transport layer e)Layered packet format f)Flow control g)Error control

f)Connection-orientedness vs connectionless g)Session layer and responsibilities h)Presentation layer and its

responsibilities i)Summary of layers

Section 9:

In this section you will learn important concepts like TCP/IP protocol suite and Domain name system hierarchy.

Section 10: Components of Hacking:



Gaining access

Maintaining access

Clearing tracks

Section 11: Ethical hacking Mindmap
Ethical hacking

Places of ethical hacking

Mind map

Section 12: DoS and DDoS

Denial of services

Symptoms of dos attack

Slow performance

Increase in spam emails

Unavailability of a resource

Loss of access to a website

Denial of access to any internet services

Distributed denial of services (DDoS)

DoS/DDoS attack techniques

Land and flood attacks

Service request floods

Section 13: SYN flooding attach using hping3

Section 14: Hacking : Counter Measures Strategies


DoS/DDoS countermeasure strategies

Detech and neutralize handlers

Monitoring the activities running on a system of network

Deflect attacks by load balancing

Mitigate attacks disabling unnecessary services

Intrusion detection systems

Wavelet analysis

Section 15: Metasploit test

Metasploit is so popular is the wide range of tasks that it can perform to ease the work of penetration testing to make

systems more secure. Metasploit is available for all popular operating systems.





Section 16: Maltego Tool Demo

You will go through a demo of the maltego community edition 4.2.4

Section 17: Cyber kill chain methodology

You will gain insights on cyber kill chain methodology and how a traditional kill chain model works: recon,weaponize, deliver, exploit, install, c2, actions.

Section 18:

You will build their capability in information security attack vectors, phishing techniques, whaling and phishing mitigation. You will understand the types of ransom-wares, how crypto ransomware works, you will go through a real world example of a ransomware attack on the Bristol airport screens.

Section 19 & 20:

You will understand the various mitigation strategies, phishing & firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems. You will gain knowledge on zero-day exploit, malware and its types, man in the middle (mitm) attack and web application security.

Who this course is for:

Students who want to learn the basics of computer and cyber security

Students who want to become IT or Cyber Security Experts

Who this course is for:
Those who are interested in a career in cyber security and ethical hacking
This course is for Beginners and not for advanced audience. Hence the faculty explains each concept in detail and demonstrates with relevant tools where required.

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