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AJAX Quick Introduction to AJAX using xHR JavaScript Fetch

Free Coupon Discount - AJAX Quick Introduction to AJAX using xHR JavaScript Fetch
Explore how you can use JavaScript to connect to API endpoints and get Data back to your web application fetch and xHR

  • NEW
  • Created by Laurence Svekis
  •  English [Auto-generated]

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Learn AJAX - Quick Introduction to AJAX Explore what and how to use JavaScript and XHR object to connect to web endpoints and retrieve data back into JavaScript for use within web pages

JavaScript is REQUIRED for this course - please do not take this course unless you have prior JavaScript coding experience!!

Course covers connecting to web APIs using AJAX via JavaScript web coding.  JavaScript is used to make the requests and retrieve server endpoint data then use within a web page.

xHR - XMLHttpRequest() setting up and new XMLHttpRequest() object

Various readystates of xHR object connection

Getting text file contents using xHR method

Getting JSON data

Converting text object json into useable JavaScript Object

Output web page content using JavaScript

Post and Get methods or connection

Connecting using API key - weather app

Sending data to the server
Using fetch to retrieve JSON and Text values

Sending Object data to the server endpoint

Setup of HTTP-Server for local host

Source code and resources are included

Try the code and create your own version of the application.

This course is a fast paced course with all the source code included - Please try the code as you got hough the lessons to learn.

There are prerequisites to this course - please ensure you do have the skillset to learn the content presented within the lessons.  The design is to explore AJAX and how it works.  Scope of this course is AJAX and content related to the learning objective will only be covered in the lessons of this course.  Perfect to get introduced to AJAX or as a refresher to anyone already familiar with web coding.

Taught by a web developer with over 20 years experience - ready to help you learn and answer any questions you might have.

Fast friendly support is always available within the Q&A section

Who this course is for:
Beginners to web development
JavaScript coders
HTML and CSS web content creators
Anyone who want to program for web pages

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