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Data Visualization in Python Masterclass: Beginners to Pro

Free Coupon Discount - Data Visualization in Python Masterclass: Beginners to Pro, Learn NumPy, Pandas, matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly & Cufflinks, EDA on Boston Housing, Titanic, and Covid-19 Dataset

  • NEW
  • Created by Laxmi Kant Tiwari
  •  English [Auto-generated]

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Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Data Scientist!

This comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to use the power of Python to analyze data, create beautiful visualizations!

This is a very unique course where you will learn EDA on Kaggle's Boston Housing, Titanic and Latest Covid-19 Datasets with real and practical examples.

Data Scientist has been ranked the number one job on Glassdoor and the average salary of a data scientist is over $110,000 in the United States and all over the World according to Indeed! Data Science is a rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world's most interesting problems!

This course is designed for both beginners with some programming experience or experienced developers looking to make the jump to Data Science!

This comprehensive course is comparable to other Data Science bootcamps that usually cost thousands of dollars, but now you can learn all that information at a fraction of the cost! With over 167 Full HD video lectures and detailed code notebooks for every lecture this is one of the most comprehensive courses!

We'll teach you how to program with Python, how to create amazing data visualizations with Python!

Here just a few of the topics we will be learning:

Programming with Python

NumPy with Python

Using Pandas Data Frames to solve complex tasks

Use Pandas to Files

Use matplotlib and Seaborn for data visualizations

Use Plotly and Cufflinks for interactive visualizations

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of Boston Housing Dataset
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of Titanic Dataset

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of Latest Covid-19 Dataset

and much, much more!

By the end of this course you will:

Have an understanding of how to program in Python.

Know how to create and manipulate arrays using numpy and Python.

Know how to use pandas to create and analyze data sets.

Know how to use matplotlib and seaborn libraries to create beautiful data visualization.

Have an amazing portfolio of python data analysis skills!

Have an experience of creating visualization of real life projects

Enroll in the course and become a data scientist today!

Who this course is for:

Anyone interested in learning more about python, data science, or data visualizations.

Anyone interested in the rapidly expanding world of data science!

Developers who want to work in analytics and visualization projects.

Anyone interested in real life and practical cases data visualization

Who this course is for:
Beginners python programmers.
Beginners Data Science programmers.
Students of Data Science and Machine Learning.
Anyone interested in learning more about python, data science, or data visualizations.
Anyone interested about the rapidly expanding world of data science!
Developers who want to work in analytics and visualization project.
Anyone who wants to explore and understand data before applying machine learning.

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