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Practical Git: for Absolute Beginners


Practical Git: for Absolute Beginners - 
Learn all important basic Git features in practice only in 2 hours

Created by Dmytro Khmelenko, English

What you'll learn

  • Basics of Git in a simple words
  • Understanding of version control systems
  • Practical experience with Git from the very first lectures
  • Git setup and configuration
  • Git repository essentials
  • How to manage changes in files
  • Most used commands in git such as git add, git commit, git push and more
  • Integrating file changes
  • Exploring history log
  • Branches and team work
  • Merge vs. Rebase: what to use?
  • What is merge conflict and how to solve it
  • How to create pull request on GitHub


Explore Git on practice in under 2 hours! Gain hands-on experience already from the first lectures!
This course is designed for students who never worked with Git. We will focus on Git basics from the very beginning and discover how to apply them. The course contains theoretical lectures followed by practical lessons.
Every practical lesson shows the application material from the respective theory. Students have an opportunity to explore Git and gain practical knowledge in less than 2 hours.
The course will teach you how to start applying Git from day 1 in a practical manner. The main accent is to familiarize with Git faster and try it out.
The following topics will be covered: 
installation and setup;
explanation of what is Git repository;
how to copy the repository to your computer;
what is the difference between local and remote repository;
lifecycle of changes in files;
how to view modifications in files and revert them;
common Git commands for saving and propagating modifications such as commit and push;
using history log;
downloading changes with the Git pull command;
what is a Git branch;
effective teamwork in examples with many branches;
merge and rebase: when to use?
conflicts and files and how to resolve them;
pull request and its benefits;
At the end of this course, students will get all the necessary knowledge about Git and will be able to perform the basic git operations confidently. This course is mainly for beginners in the software development industry and everybody who is curious about git.

Git is being used by a significant number of companies. Don't miss your chance and join this course!

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Who this course is for:

Beginners in software development
Everybody who wants to learn Git basics fast and efficiently

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