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introduction to top saas based e-commerce platforms,sales oriented lead generation e-mail marketing and their worth.
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What you'll learn
  • YOU will get familiar with the future trends to remain ahead and being successful in e-commerce industry
  • YOU will know the importance of e-mail marketing tools.
  • YOU will know top SAAS based e-commerce platforms .
  • YOU will know all the basic concepts to grow your business
  • YOU will know all about CRM.

A small Introduction to Lead Generation: Lead generation is one of the most commonly used words in marketing and sales. so, what does it mean? A  leading marketing automation software, lead generation is defined as “the process of attracting and converting strangers into someone who has indicated interest in your company’s product or service.” If you want to know more in deep so watch videos and learn happily This “Lead Generation” course will primarily be serving as a helping guide for all entrepreneurs, freelancers, digital marketers in general, and email marketers in special. After going through this course, you will be able to understand all about lead generation and trending software used for this purpose. The very first module of the course covers the introduction to most popular E-com platforms and their importance because E-commerce platforms and lead generation are interrelated. Quality leads generation is the key element of successful E-commerce. The course will be covering the latest trends in the E-commerce industry, lead generation, its importance, and tips and tricks for effective lead generation. The second covers, email marketing, definition, strategies, and tips and tricks. in last you will know about customer relationship management system and all benefit of customer relationship management system. learn and know all the tips and tricks to grow your business.

Who this course is for:
  • This LEAD GENERATION course will primarily be serving as a helping guide for all entrepreneurs , freelancers , digital marketers , in general and e-mail marketers in special ,
  • After going through this course you will be able to understand all about LEAD GENERATION and trending software used for this purpose.
  • The very first module of this course covers the introduction with saas -based e-commerce platforms and their importance because E-COMMERCE platforms and LEAD GENERATION is the key element of successful e-commerce.
  • HERE I shall teach you about how to get sales and conversation strategies and tips and tricks.

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