ReactJs CSS3 Flexbox Media Queries Bootstrap with 4 Projects
ReactJs CSS3 Flexbox Media Queries Bootstrap with 4 Projects, Zero to Hero in CSS3, FlexBox, ReactJs, Fontawesome, Google fonts & Bootstrap5 by developing 4 real world projects
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What you'll learn
- You will learn about Responsive web design and development
- You will learn all concepts of Flexbox and how to use them
- You will learn the concepts of Media Queries and how to use them
- You will learn CSS Grid and how to use it for responsive web design
- You will learn to use HTML and CSS3
- You will learn the basics of Git and Github, commit your code to github
- You will learn to use Visual Studio Code editor and related extension
- You will learn the about of React JS and creating frontend using reusable components
- You will learn about static and dynamic routing in React JS
In the course, you will learn all the concepts of flexbox and media queries.
We will learn all the concepts with the help of code examples.
Following are the topics we will cover:
1.1-Installing VS Code and Server extension
1.2-Introduction to Flexbox
1.3-Setup index.html and style.css files
1.4- Reset margin padding box-sizing on universal operator
1.5-Styling the Boxes
1.6-Apply display flex on parent
1.7-Flex Direction row row-reverse column column-reverse
1.8-Flex grow shrink
2.1-Justify Content Flex Start
2.2-Justify Content Flex End
2.3-Justify Content Center
2.4-Justify Content Space-Around
2.5-Justify Content Space-Between
3.1-Why you should not use Float property
3.2-Align Item Flex End
3.3-Align Item Flex Start
3.4-Align Item Center
3.5-Flex Basis same as Width on Flex Item
4.1-Responsivesness with Media Query
4.2-Flex Wrap Layout Creation
4.3-Styling the Flex layout
4.4-Making Screen Responsive with Flex Wrap
4.5-Enhancing the responsiveness
1.1-What is meant by Responsiveness
1.2-Example Non_responsive website
1.3-Creating HTML Skeleton for non-responsive website
1.4-Styling the non responsive page
2.1-Different Device break points
2.2-Make Responsive in device upto 768px
2.3-Make Responsive for device width upto 468px
2.4-Make Responsive for device width above 1024px
2.5-Making Responsive between 769px and 1023px
Creating account on Github
Installing Git bash
Creating github token and connecting from local
Using git commands to commit and push our local code
You will get the complete source code
In this course, you will learn all the concepts of CSS3 and ReactJs that will not only help you build real-world projects but also enable you to start thinking about how to design and develop a frontend that will be responsive and production-grade.
You will be learning all the basics of developing components in React and moving on to learning complex topics like static and dynamic routing.
We will be building 3 projects:
Project One - Responsive Portfolio Website
Project Layout Setup
Working on the Menu Outline
Styling the Menu section Part - 1
Styling the Menu section Part - 2
Styling the Menu section Part - 3
Styling the Body section Part - 1
Styling the Body section Part - 2
Making the website responsive
Project Two - Stylish Our Services Section
Setting up the skeleton
Working on the markup and layout
Working on styling and responsiveness
Project Three - Property Listing Marketplace website
Adding-Google fonts
Working on Listing Item component
Using CSS variables
Working on Listing Overview screen
Styling Listing Item category and time section
Styling Listing Item description section
Working on layout of Listing Detail component
Adding sidebar on Listing Detail page
Styling the Listing Detail page
Working on Listing Detail page meta data section
Styling the image section of Listing Detail page
Styling Title and Action section of Listing Page
Styling the Author and Post time section of Listing Detail page
Styling the Description section of Listing Detail page
Styling the first letter of Description on Listing Detail page
Setting up Layout for Create Listing page
Working on Create Listing page
Working on upload Icon on Create Listing page
Styling the Create Listing page
Installing React Router Dom library for routing between components
Adding Navigation and Routing for menu items
Dynamic navigation for showing property detail
You will also get the complete source code of all three projects that will help you take a reference whenever you want.
Who this course is for:
- Any one who wants to learn how to create responsive website and Professional Frontend UI developer
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