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Reiki Energy Healing + Level I Practitioner Certification

Reiki Energy Healing + Level I Practitioner Certification

Reiki Energy Healing + Level I Practitioner Certification, 
Energy healing to heal yourself, others + animals! Reiki for greater well-being on all levels - mind, body + spirit.

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What you'll learn
  • Discover the unusual history of Reiki and be inspired by the powerful Lineage of Masters
  • Understand the science behind how Reiki promotes well-being on all levels
  • How to become a Reiki Level 1 Practitioner
  • Discover the myriad Reiki benefits and who and what you can treat (including animals)
  • What To Expect in a Reiki Session
  • Real Stories of Amazing Reiki Results
  • Understand the Unique Way Reiki is Taught
  • Energy and Meditation Practices to Prepare for Reiki Practitioner Initiations
  • Tips for Starting Your Reiki Healing Practice

What would it be worth to you to have healing in YOUR hands?

This Reiki Energy Healing + Level 1 Practitioner Certification course will teach you how to help yourself, your loved ones, clients and even animals to reduce stress, ease pain and boost the body's natural healing system.

Why learn Reiki Energy Healing?

You will have a life-long personal healing technique and self-care practice you can use to reduce anxiety, lessen pain, and help you deeply relax any time you need

You will learn how the same healing ability can be applied to your family, friends and clients to balance mind, body and spirit

Reiki is one of the fastest growing healing modalities and is so simple a child can learn it!

Reiki is unique as you actually RECEIVE HEALING as you give it to others!!

Reiki is safe and can be used in conjunction with all other healing modalities, and is offered in over 900 hospitals around the world

Reiki or universal life force is supremely intelligent, and it naturally goes to the causal level of dis-ease and disharmony, without you needing to "know" anything

Even if you learned other healing modalities, the Reiki initiations continue to expand your healing potency and spiritual awareness

Reiki energy healing adds a deeper dimension to your ability to support your client's well-being and breakthroughs

You can earn a living doing something you love that is extraordinarily beneficial for others as well


Reiki is NOT a religion: there are no particular faith, belief or religious requirements

It is not so much of a mental understanding about the body or anatomy, as it is a spiritual and energetic practice handed down from Master to student

No parts of this course have been altered by me; it is authentically taught as it was received in a direct lineage traced back to its founder.

This course teaches all about Reiki Energy Healing and is the first of 2 parts required to become Divine Reiki Practitioner Level 1 Certification. If after completing part 1, you decide you would like to move forward and get certified, you will have the option to receive additional training and participate in live virtual Reiki initiations directly with a Reiki Master.


I am Kumari.

I was a civil rights attorney when my father died suddenly of lung cancer in 1988. His untimely death became a catalyst for me to master energy medicine in order to ease suffering and heal holistically, and inspired me to spend the next three decades studying and living with world-renowned spiritual teachers, Reiki Masters, family counselors, intuitive healers and coaches.

While meditation is an emptying out, Reiki is a "filling up" with spiritual or Universal life force, which I can only describe feels like embodying Unconditional Love and being able to flow it to others. I recommend it as the foundational first step to all my clients, as it opens up your own healing channels, deepens your intuition and spiritual connection, and awakens your awareness as a divine human.

I credit learning Reiki Level l with setting me on my path to becoming an Internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, intuitive coach, animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher and best-selling author.

I am deeply honored to have facilitated tens of thousands of people…and their beloved animals to achieve profound transformations worldwide.

Even though I have been teaching Reiki for more than 3 decades, I never lose the wonder and awe of witnessing each new student light up with the reality that they can be a powerful conduit of healing, transformation and profound peace.

And it is my greatest JOY and deepest FULFILLMENT to empower you with Reiki so YOU can have the priceless gift of healing in YOUR hands... whenever you need it.

Who this course is for:
  • Energy healing practitioners looking to expand their healing potency and spiritual awareness
  • Life coaches interested in adding energy healing to their practice
  • Spiritual seekers wanting to expand their understanding and use of energy healing
  • Anyone interested in healing themselves, others, or their fur babies!
  • Anyone interested in reducing stress, lessening pain, and raising their energy and vibration.

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