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Master macOS Sequoia - The Complete up-to-date Course

Master macOS Sequoia - The Complete up-to-date Course

Master macOS Sequoia - The Complete up-to-date Course

Sharp as a Mac. This Complete All-in-One macOS course helps you simplify and accelerate tasks big and small on the fly

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Sharp as a Mac that's exactly what I want you to achieve with this course. You will learn how to use all the powerful tools of macOS Sequoia in clearly presented and completely redesigned videos.

MacOS is GREAT ... If You can use the whole potential of it!

I’m using Mac computer everyday for more than 10 years and there is always something to learn, especially because Apple changes their operating system every year. When I bought my first MacBook after using Windows for many many years, it took me many hours to learn even the basic functionalities in macOS and it was months before I became entirely comfortable with my Mac. That is why I am making these courses to share it all with you, so you don't need to wast the time anymore.

This course will take you from a beginner / intermediate to an advanced macOS user in no time!

Is this your first course from OneByteAcademy, or you have already jumped on board with the previous macOS Ventura or Sonoma. Either way I'm sure you will learn something new. Yes there are not so many changes within one year so you will find here many similar videos.

I can't change everything from year to year. But this year we make a big step up in style of editing to make the videos even more engaging and clearly showing all the details. Yes! All the videos are newly recorded with improved sound and video quality.

I believe you will enjoy brand new course which includes over 100 video tutorials covering more than 7 hours of video instructions.  This course might be shorter than last year, but it's not shorter by information I just want to  the videos to get you all the tips and tutorials in the shortest possible time!

I don’t want to see you wasting so much time on such a powerful operating system. I have already helped more than 13000 students on Udemy to become more comfortable and efficient in macOS

Do you want MORE for LESS?

Head to the official OneByteAcademy website and get this course for a SPECIAL PRICE!

Explore a redesigned and modern videos. With improved sound quality and graphics to help you better understand. Each tutorial clearly presents a topic and shows you how to use it in macOS. You can watch while trying out techniques for yourself.
We are dedicated to helping people better understand and use Apple devices to their full potential!

What makes this course different?

It has unique style which makes video tutorials easy to follow

Always straight to the point and not wasting time by talking around

The course is supported by downloadable materials and other useful recourses

I offer full personalised support in Q&A section and directly communicate with enrolled students

The most complex course in macOS Category on Udemy

Who this course is for:

  • NEW USERS who just started using a Mac computer, or for people who switched from Windows to macOS and want to quickly handle all the differences between these operating systems.
  • CURRENT USERS of macOS might find many useful tips and learn how to use new features of macOS Sequoia
  • INTERMEDIATE USERS might find some very helpful ways how to get certain things done in macOS that they didn't know about before
  • ADVANCED USERS This course is NOT for those who are already experts at using Macs, as they might know most of these tips already

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