Data Science for Beginners: Hands-On Data Science in Python

Data Science for Beginners: Hands-On Data Science in Python, Learn Statistics, Python, Data pre-processing, Regression Analysis, Classification Techniques, Clustering, NLP, and More
- Created by Vijay Gadhave
- English [Auto-generated]
What you'll learn
- The Complete Understanding of Machine Learning from the Scratch
- Learn Python for Data Science and Machine Learning
- Learn How to Pre-Process the Data
- Perform Linear and Logistic Regressions in Python
- Learn Different Regression Algorithms in Python
- Learn to Apply Different Classification Algorithms in Python
- K means and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
- Data Analysis with NumPy and Pandas
- Data Visualization with Matplotlib library
- DataFrames, Pandas Series, Pandas Matrix
- NumPy Arrays, Indexing, Selection, Numpy Operations
- Learn to Work with Missing Data
- Natural Language Processing
Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are the most demanding skills in today's world,
Almost every Multi-National company is working on these new technologies
With this Mega Course you will learn all the required tools for Data Science from very beginning !
We will cover below topics,
1) Data Analysis with Numpy: NumPy Arrays, Indexing and Selection, NumPy Operations
2) Data Analysis with Pandas: Pandas Series, DataFrames, Multi-index and index hierarchy, Working with Missing Data, Groupby Function, Merging Joining and Concatenating DataFrames, Pandas Operations, Reading and Writing Files
3) Data Visualization with Matplotlib library
4) Data Pre-Processing: Importing Libraries, Importing Dataset, Working with missing data, Encoding categorical data, Splitting dataset into train and test set, Feature scaling
5) Regression Analysis: Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Evaluating the Model Performance
6) Classification Techniques: Logistic Regression, KNN, SVM, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest
7) Cluster Analysis: K means, Hierarchical
8) Natural Language Processing: NLTK, Tokenization, Stemming, Lemmatization, Stop Words, POS Tagging, Chunking, Named Entity Recognition, Text Classification
Learn Data Science to advance your Career and Increase your knowledge in a fun and practical way !
Vijay Gadhave
Who this course is for:
- Students who want to start a career in the field of Data Scientist and Machine Learning
- Professionals who want to start a new career in Data Science
- Anyone who is interested in Machine Learning and Data science
- Data Analyst who want to level up in Machine Learning and Data Science
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