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Google Apps Script for Beginners- Amazing Things with Code

Free Coupon Discount - Google Apps Script for Beginners- Amazing Things with Code, Getting started with Google Apps Script see what amazing things you can do automate Google Suite of Products

  • 4.4 (38 ratings)
  • Created by Laurence Svekis
  •  English [Auto-generated]

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What you'll learn

  • How to apply Google Apps Script for mini projects
  • Useful code to start writing and explore what can be done with Google Apps Script
  • Google Apps Script How to apply and use it


Get started with Google Apps Script - Perfect course for beginners who want to explore what they can do with Google Apps Script

BONUS - Downloadable PDF course Guide - with links and resources.

Introduction to Google Script - how to access it and how it works.

Apps Script is based on JavaScript 1.6, (1.7 and 1.8). Many basic JavaScript features in addition to the built-in and advanced Google services. Apps Script code runs on Google's servers. Knowledge of JavaScript is a prerequisite to Google Apps Script which will allow you to jump right in and begin coding.  - Just like JavaScript with some extra methods.

The course covers the following topics and is designed a quick beginners guide to using and creating Google Apps Script applications.

How and where to begin coding

How Google Apps Script works

Google Marcos - really apps script code

Editing and updating script code

Getting familiar with the Script editor

Standalone and Bound scripts

Document Service

JavaScript in Google Apps Script

JavaScript Variables, Arrays, Objects, Loops, Conditions, Functions....

Coding JavaScript within Apps Script
Explore the online editor File Tab

Creating new files

Apps Script triggers

View tab and debugging

Run tab and debugging

Create a web app publish tab

Using html file for client side web app

Web apps made dynamic

Dialogs and UI options

Document as PDF

Spreadsheet service

Sheet data and UI

Copy and select content in range and objects

Spreadsheet and calendar

Source Code is included

Fast friendly support within the Q&A section - taught by an instructor with over 20 years of web development experiencing ready to help you learn.

What are you waiting for join now and start creating your own amazing projects with Google Apps Script.

Who this course is for:
Web developers
Application developers
Anyone who wants to learn more about Google Apps Script
Anyone who wants to automate Google Suite
JavaScript coders

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