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Learn SQL +Security(pen) testing from Scratch

Free Coupon Discount - Step by step Tutorial to learn SQL and Web Security testing with real time examples

  • Created by Rahul Shetty
  •  English [Auto-generated]

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SQL and Security Testing are Additional skills which every software Engineer need to have irrespective of their role in Project. And this course fulfills the gap by teaching both these topics and also  gives you an edge compared to other Engineers at your work .And of course these are one of the common skills which are tested in every Software Engineer Interview.

What make this course special for beginners?
"No more Boring slides or Definitions. I will write every SQL query before you in lecture and teach every topic needed to master in SQL with Practical examples

And also This Tutorial will give all the weapons you needed to investigate and unlock the Security Holes in the Web application with powerful Penetration testing approach

Course lectures are conceptually driven with root level explanations and bring you to the level where you can write any kind of SQL query and detect any kind of security bugs in the application

This course covers :


Introduction to SQL -- MySQLOverview -- Start up commands to Setup Database andTables -- Database testing to validate Schema -- Altering Table Schema operations -- Queries to retrieve Data Logical operators on Queries -- Wild cards usage in Queries -- SQL Functions with real time scenarios -- Importance of Group By in SQL -- Advanced SQL Concepts -- SubQueries syntax and usage -- SQL Joins usage and its advantages -- Importance of views in Database -- SQL String functions  -- Dataconstraints with DataBase Testing perspective -- Practise Exercises for Interviews with Solutions -- SQL glossary on discussed topics

Security Testing :

Course Contents: Basics of Security Testing Terminologies involved in Security Domain Top OWASP principles Cross site Scrpiting Xss examples Cookies Importance Danger with stealing of cookies Session Hijacking Cross site forgery Attacks Parameter Tampering Methods to Intercept requests Account Management Password security guidelines Brute force mechanism Importance of Client side validations 

Who this course is for:
Any IT professional no matter in what field they are into
QA Testers who want to enhance their skill on Data base Testing and Security testing
Freshers/Graduates who want to learn computer science foundations

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