GitLab CI: Pipelines, CI/CD and DevOps for Beginners
Free Coupon Discount - GitLab CI: Pipelines, CI/CD and DevOps for Beginners, Learn GitLab CI / CD with Docker & DevOps: obtain valuable DevOps skills. Build pipelines.
- Bestseller
- Created by Valentin Despa, Valentin Despa (Support)
- English [Auto], French [Auto],
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This course will teach you how to use Gitlab CI for your own projects. You will learn the basics of CI/CD and start building pipelines right from the first lecture.
Some highlights:
- have an overview of the Gitlab architecture
- create a simple pipeline
- learn the CI/CD practice by deploying a simple website
- use Docker images within Gitlab
This course will NOT make you a GitLab CI / DevOps expert
A lot of courses promise you will become an expert. Becoming an expert in any tool comes with time and hard work. It simply does not make sense to promise something like that. It will not be honest.
What I will try is to explain to you the basics and offer you enough practice opportunities so that you can apply what you learn easily in your own projects as well. I will show you how to build pipelines with Gitlab CI.
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