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Apache Airflow on AWS EKS: The Hands-On Guide


Free Coupon Discount - Apache Airflow on AWS EKS: The Hands-On Guide, How to set up Apache Airflow on AWS EKS with the Kubernetes Executor and be production-ready!
  • Highest Rated
  • Created by Marc Lamberti
  • English [Auto]
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Struggling to set up Airflow on AWS EKS?
You are at the right place!
With more than 10,000 students, I got many feedbacks about how difficult it is to configure Airflow on AWS with the official Helm chart.
Guess what? You are about to learn everything you need to set up a production-ready architecture for Apache Airflow on AWS EKS
This course is designed to guide you through the different steps of creating a real world architecture:
Configuring the EKS cluster following best practices
Deploying automatically changes with GitOps
Using Helm to configure and set up Airflow on Kubernetes
Configuring the official Helm chart of Airflow to use the Kubernetes Executor and many different features
Deploying DAGs in Airflow with Git-Sync and AWS EFS
Deploying DAGs/Airflow through CI/CD pipelines with AWS CodePipeline
Testing your DAGs automatically
Securing your credentials and sensitive data in a Secret Backend
Enabling remote logging with AWS S3
Creating 3 different environments dev/staging and prod
Making the production environment scalable and highly available
and more!
The course is not meant to learn the basic of Airflow, you must be already familiar with it.
If you already know Kubernetes/Docker/AWS your learning will be easier, but no worries I explain everything you need.
YOU WON'T learn how to interact with AWS in your DAGs. This course is about designing an architecture not about DAGs.
The course is NOT free-tier eligible as we are going to use many AWS services and set up a real world architecture.

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