Gatsby V3 Tutorial and Projects Course
Free Coupon Discount - Gatsby V3 Tutorial and Projects Course, Create Blazingly Fast Websites with Gatsby
- Created by John Smilga
- English [Auto-generated], French [Auto-generated]
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Gatsby is a React-based, GraphQL powered static site generator. It combines together the best parts of React, webpack, react-router, GraphQL, and other front end tools to provide excellent developer experience. Gatsby is far more than typical static site generator though. You can think of it more like a modern front-end framework.
It uses powerful pre-configuration to build a website that uses only static files for incredibly fast page loads, service workers, code splitting, server side rendering, smart image loading, asset optimization, and data prefetching.
The course will consist of two parts. In the first part, the tutorial part we will cover Gatsby basics, and in the second part, projects part, we will build interesting projects using Gatsby.
All project intro videos are available for preview.
Who this course is for:
Everyone Interested in Building Blazingly Fast Static Websites With Gatsby
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