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Kubernetes Mastery: Hands-On Lessons From A Docker Captain

Kubernetes Mastery: Hands-On Lessons From A Docker Captain

Kubernetes Mastery: Hands-On Lessons From A Docker Captain

Learn the key Kubernetes features and plugins while practicing DevOps workflows, from a container expert
2022 Update: Ready for Apple Silicon (M1 arm64) and Raspberry Pi's!

Taught by an award-winning Docker Captain and Kubernetes expert, this Course is the result of a collaboration between Bret Fisher, creator of the #1 Docker & Kubernetes course on Udemy, and Jérôme Petazzoni who is a full-time Kubernetes instructor, as well as one of the original Docker Inc DevOps Engineers! We designed the course to take your Kubernetes skills from first-time user to using K8s in production.

Updates are a thing! You can count on it. Kubernetes is a huge topic and constantly evolving. As a result, this course will get updated and evolve with it.

Just starting out with Kubernetes? Perfect. This course starts out assuming you're new to container orchestration.

[five stars] "Because Bret knows, lives, breaths and loves his technology stack. The passion and belief always comes through in all of his courses which is why I will always recommend his work."  -- Steven Hunt, Udemy Student

Already a Docker Mastery student and want to know what's different between the two courses? This course assumes you know Docker and dives deeper into Kubernetes and the community of tools around it. Unlike Docker Mastery, which starts with container 101 and takes you through a lot of tools like local development setups, docker-compose, registry, Docker Hub, Swarm basics, Kubernetes basics, and general Docker best practices... this course starts with Kubernetes 101 and has you learning and practicing each feature and workflow you'll need for running your own Kubernetes clusters, and like all my courses, it focuses on how to use those features with a DevOps mindset and workflow.

BONUS: This course comes with Slack Chat, Discord Chat and monthly YouTube Live Q&As with me!
"...Bret is amazing. You can tell he knows exactly what he is talking about and enjoys helping others. I have never seen someone so involved with his user base as Bret. ...I would seriously buy any course the Bret puts out because I have no doubts that it will be excellent."  -- David Olson, Udemy Course Student

What you'll learn

  • Learn Kubernetes and cluster tools from an award-winning Docker Captain!
  • Lead your team into the future with the latest Kubernetes & container skills!
  • Know the right ways to use Kubernetes for proper DevOps workflows
  • Understand production K8s topics like rolling updates, healthchecks, and failure recovery
  • Know when to use different types of app configuration like args, envs, and ConfigMaps
  • Make Kubernetes YAML manifests and deploy using infrastructure-as-code methods

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