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Essential Lean Manufacturing for Management Consultants


Free Coupon Discount - Essential Lean Manufacturing for Management Consultants, Practical guide how to improve production and operations in a firm and analyze potential savings in Excel
  • Created by Asen Gyczew
  • English [Auto]
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What is the aim of this course?  
This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in optimizing production, and operations  of any company through a series of practical cases. It is designed for people who want to become consultants, business analysts or have to run and optimize production on a daily bases. In the course you will learn 3 things:  
How to understand any production or operational activities  
How to optimize the production and operations in order to get more things done, cheaper at higher quality with less resources using elements from lean manufacturing, theory constraints  
Where to look for savings and improvements, how to calculate potential savings in Excel and implement them  
I will concentrate here on lean manufacturing techniques as well as things related to theory of constraints (removing bottlenecks and critical chain).  
The course is based on my 12 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, B2B sector that I worked for. On many occasions I had to optimize the whole production and operational side of the businesses I was responsible for.  On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are Production Directors, Operational  Directors, COO, Investment Directors, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy have already been taken by more than 45 000 students. The course you will take has been taken also by people from EY, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Dell, Walgreens and many more as a part of Udemy for Business.   
I teach through cases so most of the lectures are case studies showing some business problems solved in Excel. There will be also overview of main techniques used in optimizing and running production. To every lecture you will find attached  (in additional resources) the Excels shown in the Lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work.  
Why I decided to create this course?  
Most consultants and business analysts are terrible at organizing operational issues. They treat the operations, especially production, as a black-box and try to avoid it at any cost. Technical things overwhelm them and they shy away from them. This approach is not the right one as you find elements that resemble production everywhere. In hospitals most procedures performed are very similar to production issues. The same goes for running a call center, a chain of restaurants, a logistic company or a firm delivering specialized services. Everywhere you have operations that you can optimize by using techniques that I will show in this course.  Production influence heavily other areas especially sales and marketing. Therefore, it is a good idea to have at least a general knowledge in production. The funny things is that to be good at production you do not even have to be technical at all. I have not finished any technical school and I am pretty good in finding significant improvements in production. One of the best Production Directors I know has finished Pedagogical Studies.  
To sum it up, I believe that if you want to build or to find improvements in any business you should master techniques related to optimizing production. That is why I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analyst that have to advice their customer but also to owners, founders  of businesses as well as production directors.  
In what way will you benefit from this course?  
The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you find and analyze production. There is little theory – mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know:  
How to understand production  
How to optimize it  
Where to look for savings and improvement in production  
How to calculate the impact of proposed changes in Excel  
You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly.  
How the course is organized?  
The course is divided currently in 6 sections and will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections:  
Introduction.      We begin with little      intro into the course as well as some general info on production  
Basic      methods of improving production. In the second section I will discuss the basic techniques that you      can use to optimize your business. Here you will find the potential low      hanging fruits. Here I will show you basic lean manufacturing methods as      well as elements of theory of constraints. You will also see how to      calculate potential savings in Excel  
Continuous      Flow. The ideal in      production is the so called continuous flow -every go smoothly and fast.      Products are being produced fast and cheap. In this section I will tell      you how to achieve it. This is one of the pivotal element of lean      manufacturing  
Advanced      methods of improving production. In section 4 I will continuous with more advanced way in which you      can improve your production such as: SMED, TPM, Automation, Critical Chain  
Capacity      management. Apart from      optimizing the production you have to think strategically and know when      you have to add new capacity / factory. In this section I will show you      how you can do that  
Production      planning. Production      planning is the brain of production. If you get this wrong the other      things won’t matter. In this section I will show you some ways in which      you can analyze and improve production planning
I will be adding new sections and lectures in the coming months  
You will be able also to download many additional resources  
Excels with analyses shown in the course  
Presentation of slides show in the course  
Links to additional presentations and movies  
Links to books worth reading
Who this course is for:
Management Consultants
Production Directors and Managers
Business Analysts
Small and medium business owners
Startups founders

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