AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional SAP-C01 2022
Online Courses Udemy - Become an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional and confidently pass your exam - 100% NEW course for 2022
- Hot & New
- Created by Neal Davis | AWS Certified Solutions Architect & Developer, Digital Cloud Training | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner AWS Certified Solutions Architect, AWS Developer Associate
- English [Auto]
What you'll learn
- 19 HOURS OF INSTRUCTOR-GUIDED LECTURES: With our practical exercises, you'll learn how to architect and build applications on Amazon Web Services
- PRACTICE TEST: Test your knowledge with this exam-difficulty practice exam
- BONUS: Take the practice test in Training Mode (check your answers instantly - no time limit) on the Digital Cloud Training platform
- THE ULTIMATE EXAM PREP: We’ll teach you everything you need to know to ace your exam AND master the cloud in the real world
- ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered
- RESPONSIVE SUPPORT: Our team of AWS experts respond to all of your
- questions, concerns or feedback
This is the year to pass your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam! Get access to the most comprehensive and well-delivered course for this exam anywhere on the Internet. This AWS Solutions Architect professional certification course will have you sailing through the AWS exam with confidence. Delivered using visual animations, architectural diagrams, and hands-on exercises this course will have you covered - whatever your preferred learning style.
This course is for you if you:
Have passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, Developer Associate or SysOps Administrator Associate certifications; OR
Have an equivalent level of hands-on knowledge from experience working with AWS services.
BONUS OFFER - Practice Exam in Training Mode
We are now offering FREE access to the AWS Digital Cloud Training website (registration required with name and email) where you get to access your bonus practice exam in training mode (no time limit). This allows you to check answers after every question (not possible on Udemy) and will help you prepare for the exam.
Here's a snapshot of the skills you'll learn using this course:
AWS Accounts and Organizations including Service Control Policies (SCPs)
Identity Management and Permissions including RBAC, ABAC and permissions boundaries
AWS Directory Services and Federation including Identity Federation, AWS SSO, and Cognito
Advanced Amazon VPC including a routing deep dive and multi-account VPC configurations
Hybrid Connectivity including S2S VPN, Direct Connect, and AWS Transit Gateway
Compute, Auto Scaling, and Load Balancing including ALB, NLB, EC2, and NAT
AWS Storage Services including EBS, EFS, and Amazon S3
DNS, Caching, and Performance Optimization including Route 53, CloudFront, and AWS Global Accelerator
AWS Database Services including Amazon RDS, Aurora, ElastiCache and DynamoDB
Serverless Applications including AWS Lambda, EventBridge, SQS, SNS, and API Gateway
Docker Containers and PaaS including Amazon ECS, Fargate, and Elastic Beanstalk
Deployment and Management including AWS CodeCommit, CodePipeline, Service Catalog, Systems Manager and more
Migration and Transfer Service including AWS DMS, SMS, DataSync, and Snowball
Analytics Services including Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, RedShift, EMR, and Kinesis
Monitoring, Logging and Auditing including CloudWatch, CloudTrail and AWS X-Ray
Security: Defense in Depth including how to build a secure application with ACM, KMS, Config, Inspector and WAF/Shield
Cost Management including how AWS services are priced, consolidated billing, and AWS Budgets
There are many FREE PREVIEWS to help you understand how we teach the SAP-C01 exam blueprint using guided AWS Hands-On Labs. Check out the curriculum to see the huge amount of in-depth practical exercises combined with a high-quality level of practical and theoretical training.
Hi, my name is Neal Davis - I'll be your instructor for this course. Cloud Computing is my Passion - which is why I founded Digital Cloud Training - offering AWS training resources that represent a higher quality standard than is otherwise available in the market. I created this course to help you successfully prepare for your AWS Solutions Architect Professional exam. I enjoy teaching on Udemy as it allows me to leverage my knowledge and hands-on experience that I have built over the last 20 years…Yes, I've been working in the Cloud space since its very inception!
Over 250,000 students enrolled in our AWS courses
4.7 Star instructor ratings from over 40,000 reviews
Our students pass the AWS exam with an average score of over 85%
Money-back guarantee
We are totally confident in the value of this course which comes with a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. Get lifetime access now - risk-free!
Who this course is for:
Candidates for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional certificate who are keen to ace the exam first time
Students preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Certification looking for the ultimate exam prep
Learners studying for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam who want to build a solid skill set - not just theoretical knowledge
Students of any AWS Certification who need practical experience with the AWS platform
Solutions Architects seeking to deepen their understanding of the AWS Cloud
Anyone who wants to learn AWS and gain hands-on experience through guided labs
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